Filters and alerts

What filters and alerts are available, and what do they mean?

HTTP failures

301, 302—redirected. 404, 403—file not found or access prohibited. 500—web application errors. Cloudflare and reverse-proxy issues.

Filters and alerts

Each URL that is being checked can be scanned by any or all of these filters.

Slow or unreachable—regardless of any other choices you make, you’ll be alerted if your page is unreachable, or if an HTTP connection fails or times out.

exists—Alerts you if a URL comes into existence. You can watch for certain types of malware this way.

checklength—This filter reports any change in length of a page or file.

smartscan—<SCRIPT> and <IFRAME> tags on the page are examined.

asn—The ASN is based on where you're hosted, and this check gives you assurance your DNS hasn't been hijacked or the site moved by attackers.

geo—Gets and monitors the geolocation information for a host.

gsb—Google Safe Browsing—The URL is checked against Google’s list of malware and phishing sites, and you are alerted if there’s a problem.

gsbdaily—This is a once-every-24-hours and quite exhaustive GSB-related examination of the URL and each site it links to.

cyberscan—This filter examines the output of the PHP tripwire script and alerts you to specific errors. You must install and configure the tripwire script.

dns—CyberSpark examines aspects of your domain and your DNS entries to be sure things are OK.

ssl—CyberSpark checks the HTTPS (secure web) service to ensure that the SSL certificate is valid. It also reports any change in the certificate (such as renewal or use of a new “certificate authority”).

find—Checks a page to determine whether a specific string has appeared. This is useful when you're monitoring an alert page on the server and want to know if a particular error appears.